Safer Technology

In New Zealand we are fortunate to live in a country where decades of public investment (and community initiatives and some private investment) have built up hardwired communications systems (the copper landline phone network and the new fibre system) that provide an option for safe phone and internet access for most people.

Hardwired internet and phone systems are the safest options for household and business use

Unlike mobile phones and wireless home phone systems, a corded phone does NOT expose you (or your family or employees) to potentially carcinogenic pulsed microwave radiation. Connecting to the internet by using ethernet cables (and turning off the wi-fi capacity of your router and the internal modem(s) and any bluetooth capacity of your computer) also allows you to have a safe (and more secure) internet connection that does not expose you to radiation that could undermine your health.

Using the copper or fibre system helps to protect your environment (and the health of people in your community)

Hardwired Systems are More Energy Efficient

It is not generally appreciated that wireless data transfer is less energy efficient than using a hard-wired system such as copper or fibre. This means that the copper or fibre system are more environmentally friendly telecommunications options

Using the Copper or Fibre System Helps Keep Your Environment Healthier

It is also important to note that wireless communications systems such as mobile phones, fixed wireless internet and the new wireless home phone systems that work through the 4G system are dependent on their being sufficient cellular phone towers in an area to provide sufficient connections. If you do not want to see more cellular phone towers in your area that may pose risks to nearby residents’ health and may harm urban trees (not to mention cellular phone towers’ potential effect on property values), choosing to use the copper or fibre system for phone and internet access is one way that you can help protect your environment and your own and your neighbours’ health.

The links below provide information about safer telecommunications options…

Safe Phone Systems

Safe Phone Via the Copper Landline System

If you live in an area where you have access to the copper system you have the option of a safe corded phone connected to this system plus the reassurance that it is likely to continue to function even if your home loses power.

How to Enjoy a Safe Phone Via the Fibre System

If your home is now connected to fibre, you can have a safe, corded phone with the fibre system:

Don’t be Conned into Giving Up Your Safe Copper Landline for a Risky Wireless Home Phone System

If you are in an area where you will have ongoing access to the copper landline phone system, don’t be conned into giving up your copper landline for a wireless home phone system.

Please see the link below for information on the new wireless “landline” phone systems that are being marketed and why they are not as good as keeping your phone connected to the copper landline system – or moving to fibre if you live in an area where the copper system is going to be phased out.

Don’t Put Up with Telcos that Refuse to Connect (or Reconnect) Your Home to the Copper Landline System

Don’t put up with telcos that refuse to connect (or reconnect) your home to the copper landline system. Please see this link for details as to why (as of January 2020) if you are in an area where the copper landline system is present you should be able to be connected to this system that provides you with an option for a safe corded phone that should continue to work even if your home or business loses power.

Safe Internet Systems

Safe Internet Via Copper

The copper landline system provides a good internet option for safe hardwired internet access for people in many parts of New Zealand:

Safe Internet Via Fibre

The fibre system provides a fast internet option that can provide safe hardwired internet access for people in many parts of New Zealand. The link here provides basic information about the fibre system and how it can be used to ensure a safe, hardwired internet system:

Don’t Put Up with Companies that Refuse to Connect Your Home to the Fibre System

If you currently live in an area where the copper landline system is going to be phased out, don’t put up with any company that refuses to connect your home to the fibre system and/or tries to pressure you to move to a fixed wireless system. Spark has indicated that it wants to move some of its customers from copper to fixed wireless: If you want a safe hardwired phone system and you live in an area where the access to the copper is going to be phased out, insist on being connected to the fibre system so that you can have a safe corded phone and/or internet connection.

Why to Avoid Fixed Wireless Internet Systems

NB: If you live in a part of NZ where you can get decent internet over fibre or copper, please DON’T use “fixed wireless” internet because these systems work through the 4G system and the more people who use them, the more cellular phone towers will be built:

Please Join the Boycott of 5G

5G has not been safety tested and there is no need for it in NZ.

If you do not want to see 5G small cells in your area and/or more and more 4G cellular phone towers in NZ (in part because the 4G system is being used as part of the 5G system) please join the boycott of the companies that are building 5G systems in NZ.

These companies that have stated that they want to introduce 5G are Spark, Vodafone 2Degrees.

There is information to help you find a suitable alternative telecommunications provider at the following link:

Website editor’s note:

Thank you for reading this post on, NZ’s 5G information website. If you found it to be interesting, please share it with your friends and family.

If you are on Facebook, please also check out the 5G Free New Zealand FB page at the following link as this is the best way to stay up-to- date with 5G related news:

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign against 5G in NZ, please email through the Contact Form on this website.

There is a now Resources page on the site where you can download flyers and poster for printing and distribution and also download the new5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan.

We now also have an Events Page in which events relating to 5G will be listed as information comes to hand.

If you would like to stay up to date with information on what is happening in NZ in relation to smart technology, 5G and wireless and health issues, please visit  and email through the contact form and ask to be signed up to the free email list.

This will mean that you receive occasional newsletters from Stop Smart Meters NZ which include information on 5G as well as smart meters and related wireless technologies.