If you don’t want 5G in New Zealand, don’t do business with the companies that want to deploy it.

It’s that simple: If you don’t want to see 5G rolled out in New Zealand, we suggest that you consider boycotting the companies that want to deploy this technology here.

(NB: If you are new to the 5G issue and are wondering why boycotting companies that want to roll out 5G in New Zealand is even being suggested, please visit the following link where you will find information about the many reasons why people are opposed to 5G: https://5g.org.nz/2019/08/17/basic-info/ )

There are three major companies most heavily involved with 5G, one of the most dangerous technologies ever to be developed.

The rationale for the 5G boycott

If you don’t want 5G in NZ, why not choose a telecommunications company that does NOT want to build 5G infrastructure? Pretty soon the “big boys” will get the message if enough New Zealanders make their voices heard where it counts: Financially.

Three telecommunications retailing companies operating in New Zealand have publicly stated that they each want to build a 5G network.  They are:

  • 2Degrees
  • Spark
  • Vodafone

Building a 5G network is an expensive undertaking and reducing the income stream of companies that want to deploy 5G technology is one way to reduce the companies’ ability to introduce 5G (and endlessly propagandise the TV-watching public with ads extolling 5G). Boycotting is probably the most effective way of making your opinion COUNT.

There are lots of alternatives if you want to change to a company that does not want to deploy 5G. In fact, there are well over a hundred companies in NZ that offer telecommunications services!

If you do not want to pay money to 2Degrees, Spark or Vodafone (or a subsidiary of one of these companies) that could help pay for “small cells” or other 5G infrastructure to be put up in your neighborhood or right outside your house, you have a choice of many other companies from which you can access phone and/or internet services.

In the Excel file below, you can see a selection of telecommunications companies and information about each of them to help you choose a new company if you are currently with 2Degrees, Spark or Vodafone – or a company that is owned or part owned by 2Degrees, Spark or Vodafone, such as BigPipe, Digital Island, Farmside, Now, Skinny and World Exchange Communications (WXC Communications) – and want to change.

NB: BigPipe, Digital Island, Farmside, World Exchange Communications (WXC Communications) Now, Skinny and World Exchange Communications (WXC Communications) are listed on the spreadsheet but with red highlighting over their names to indicate that they are owned or part owned by a company that wants to deploy 5G.

The names of these companies were sourced from the website https://www.broadbandcompare.co.nz/

(NB: There are also many other companies that you could choose that are NOT listed in the table.  https://www.broadbandcompare.co.nz/ If you want to check out other companies yourself, there is information to help you do this at the end of this post .)

The Excel file of telecommunications providers

A big thank you to the volunteers who put the time into creating this Excel file!

Information about the Excel file of telecommunications providers

The information listed for each company is as follows:

Company name (retailer name)

Offers Copper Phone [1]              

Offers Fibre Phone [2]

Offers “Wireless Landline” [3]    

Offers Copper Internet  [1]

Offers Fibre Internet [4]

Offers “Fixed Wireless” Internet [5]

Offers mobile phone     

Offers electricity [6]       

5G services advertised on website           

Major shareholders [7] 

Owns/operates cell sites

NB: The “Notes” section (on the far right of the spreadsheet) is used to provide information that may be useful when deciding on a telecommunications company:

For example:

  • Whether languages other than English are spoken by the staff
  • Whether or not a company is locally owned or is overseas owned
  • Whether or not a company promotes wireless technology
  • Whether a company has a focus on providing services to businesses etc.  

The meaning of abbreviations on the spreadsheet is as follows: 
N = No, Y = Yes, U = Unclear, P = Possibly  

Important notes regarding the categories listed on the Excel spreadsheet:

[1]  In many, but not all, parts of NZ, copper provides an acceptable internet service which will provide access to services such as internet banking, viewing youtube videos etc. Moreover a corded phone connected to the copper system is safe phone option and will generally function even when a home lose power.  

[2]  Fibre offers the option of a safe corded phone – see this link:  https://www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/can-corded-phone-fibre/

[3]  Phones marketed as “wireless landlines” (or in similar terms) may use the 4G cellular phone system and therefore expose users to potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) radiation. (Please see this link for details:  http://www.saveourlandlines.nz/news/why-it-may-not-be-such-a-good-idea-to-take-up-the-offer-of-a-wireless-landline-phone-system/ ) There was also a recent recall of a battery back-up system for a Spark wireless home phone system due to these back-up units being faulty and therefore being a potential fire risk:  https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/114750942/watchdog-decides-not-to-investigate-complaints-over-spark-kits-now-at-centre-of-recall  Another reason to avoid wireless home phone systems that work through 4G is that the more people who use these systems the more cellular phone towers will need to be built to handle the increased volume of calls.

[5] “Fixed wireless” internet systems work via the cellular phone network.  If you live in a town or city where you have access to internet via copper or fibre please DO NOT use fixed wireless systems as the more people who use fixed wireless internet, the more cellular phone towers will need to be built to handle the increased volume of connections.  (Please see this link for details: https://5g.org.nz/2019/07/08/if-you-dont-want-to-see-more-cell-phone-towers-in-new-zealand-dont-use-fixed-wireless-internet-services/ )

[6]  If you are choosing an electricity provider you may want to check the company’s policy on smart meters because smart meters can be a significant source of EMF exposure. (See: https://www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/latest-news/how-much-microwave-radiation-do-smart-meters-in-nz-produce/)  Smart meters are NOT compulsory in NZ . (See: https://www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz/ )

[7]  In cases of companies that have been identified as being subsidiaries of Vodafone, Spark or 2Degrees, or companies in which Spark, 2Degrees or Vodafone have substantial shareholding, these companies have red highlighting over the company name to alert people to this fact.

Important Note For People Who Are Changing Telecommunications Companies

There was a recent comment on the Facebook page of 5G Free New Zealand from someone who stated that she could not get a copper landline phone connection in her area. This link has the details of why copper landlines services should currently be available in all areas of NZ: http://www.saveourlandlines.nz/news/please-report-any-instances-of-telcos-refusing-to-connect-copper-landline-phone-or-internet-services/.

If you are going to change to a new telecommunications company please make sure you communicate with the company, ideally by email so that you have an electronic paper trail, and specify that you want a copper landline phone connection if you want one and/or an ADSL or VDSL internet connection over copper, if this is what you want. Ask the company to confirm that the plan you are signing up to is the correct plan based on the services that you have specified and when you get a reply archive this somewhere safe. (Taking this step should provide you with some protection if the company turns out to have incompetent call centre staff who misinform you about the specifics of the services that the company provides if you were to communicate only via phone.)

Special Note to Rural New Zealanders

We appreciate that in some parts of rural New Zealand, the copper landline system provides for a good phone option but the internet over copper is not good enough for access to some basic services such as internet banking. If you live in rural area, please lobby within any organisations to which you may belong for improved hardwired internet options for your area.

Options for alternative email addresses

If you may need to get a new email address, there are a variety of options. Some of them are listed below:

  • Gmail – If you value your privacy this may not be your first choice – do check their privacy terms and conditions given its association with google.
  • Yahoo – This is free but it would be a good idea to check the privacy policy.
  • Hotmail – This is free but it would be a good idea to check the privacy policy.
  • Tutanota – This service is encrypted so it may be a good option if you need secure communications for business or some other sensitive application. There is a free option for personal use and fees are payable for other applications. See:: https://www.tutanota.com.
  • Protonmail – This service is encrypted so it may be a good option if you need secure communications for business or some other sensitive application. This being said, based on feedback from someone who has used the email for 5G related correspondence, its encryption may not be fail-safe, or possibly it may be less secure when it is used to send messages to non Protonmail email accounts. https://protonmail.com/

Do you have to have a mobile phone and need information abut mobile phone service providers?

If you cannot avoid having a mobile phone at this stage in your life, there is information specifically about mobile phone providers at the following link: https://5g.org.nz/2019/09/09/do-you-need-to-use-a-mobile-phone-but-dont-want-to-pay-money-to-spark-vodafone-or-2degrees/

Do you want to investigate different telecommunications companies yourself?     Here is information to help you do this:

At the links below you can download the instructions and a template spreadsheet that were provided to volunteers to help them complete the table in case you would like to use the same process to investigate other companies.

Website editor’s note:

Thank you for reading this post on www.5G.org.nz, NZ’s 5G information website. If you found it to be interesting, please share it with your friends and family.

If you are on Facebook, please also check out the 5G Free New Zealand FB page at the following link as this is the best way to stay up-to-date with 5G related news: https://www.facebook.com/5GFreeNewZealand/

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign against 5G in NZ, please email through the Contact Form on this website.

There is a now Resources page on the site where you can download flyers and poster for printing and distribution and also download the new 5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan.

We now also have an Events Page in which events relating to 5G will be listed as information comes to hand.

If you would like to stay up to date with information on what is happening in NZ in relation to smart technology, 5G and wireless and health issues, please visit www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz  and email through the contact form and ask to be signed up to the free email list.

This will mean that you receive occasional newsletters from Stop Smart Meters NZ which include information on 5G as well as smart meters and related wireless technologies.