
The purpose of this page is to make available resources that you can use as part of your own personal initiatives to help keep New Zealand 5G Free – and/or to help family, friends, neighbours and colleagues learn about 5G.

This page will be updated as more resources are created. (If you have graphic design, translation or other skills that could be useful for resource creation and would like to volunteer to help, you may contact us at this link: )

This page currently includes flyers/leaflets and posters as well as the 5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan and a NEW 5G Free New Zealand Leafleting Etiquette Guide to provide useful information to people who want to hand out leaflets in a public place.

Leaflet on 5G

The leaflet that you can download from the link below will print well in black and white as well as in colour. It can be printed on 4A paper and then cut in half.

Truth is Power Mini Flyer

This flyer is designed to be cut into eight pieces so that a single piece of A4 paper can be used to inform eight people about

Planet Earth Urgently Needs Your Help Mini Flyer

At the link below you can find a mini flyer that is designed to draw attention to the environmental risks of 5G.

Te Reo Mini Flyer

The flyer below is designed so that you can cut it into 8 pieces and use one piece of paper to inform eight people about in Te Reo. The text alerts people to potential for 5G to damage their health and invites them to visit the website.

To our volunteer translator: Nga mihi nui! (If anyone else would like to assist with translation, please email us via this link: – thank you!)

Simplified Chinese Mini Flyer

The flyer below is designed so that you can cut it into four pieces and reach four people with a single sheet of A4 paper. The text of the flyer invites readers to visit the Other Languages page of this website to access information about 5G in New Zealand.  Thank you to our volunteer translators who did this work and also contributed to our Other Languages page!

Tongan Mini Flyer

The flyer below is designed so that you can cut it into eight pieces and reach eight people with a single sheet of A4 paper. The text of the flyer invites readers to visit the Other Languages page of this website to access information about the health risks of wireless devices. Thank you to our volunteer translator who did this work and also contributed to our Other Languages page!

5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan

The document that you can download by clicking the link below is designed to provide you with examples of personal steps that you can take to help keep beautiful New Zealand 5G Free.

5G Free New Zealand Leafleting Etiquette Guide

Below is the 5G Free New Zealand Leaflet Etiquette Guide that gives a helpful list of “do’s” and “don’ts” for people who would like to give out leaflets in public places.

Informed Consent Form for Exposure to 5G

At the link below you can find a PDF of form that you can download, print, tick and sign and post to you MP (or other elected representative or other person responsible for making decisions about 5G) to show your lack of consent to being exposed to 5G. (NB: If you need to find your MP’s contact details you can access them via the following website: )

“Cell No” Poster

Below is the JPEG file for a poster that will print well in A4 or A3. (NB: Some commercial printing services do NOT print JPEGs – you may need to check on this.) It will look good printed in either colour or black and white so that you have this available to put up in your community, such as on community centre or church notice boards etc. with permission (Or you could laminate it and and put it on your mailbox.)

NEW version of “Cell No” Poster

Below is a PDF of a new version of the “Cell No” poster. It will look good printed in either colour or black and white so that you have this available to put up in your community, such as on community centre or church notice boards etc. with permission (Or you could laminate it and and put it on your mailbox.)

“5G Free Forever” Poster (PDF)

At the link below, you may download the PDF of a poster that advances the vision of New Zealand being 5G Free – forever.

“5G Free Forever” Poster version 2 (PDF)

At the link below, you may download the PDF of another version of the poster that advances the vision of New Zealand being 5G Free – forever.

“5G Free Forever” Poster version 2 (JPEG)

At the link below, you may download the JPEG file of another version of the poster that advances the vision of New Zealand being 5G Free – forever.

5G Radiation Health and Security Risks Poster

Below you can find a new poster for download as a JPEG file that should print as A4 size. (NB: Some commercial printing services do NOT print JPEGs – you may need to check on this.)

5G Radiation Health and Security Risks Mini Poster

Below you can find a new poster for download as a JPEG file that should print as A4 size. (NB: Some commercial printing services do NOT print JPEGs – you may need to check on this.)

Oppose 5G Poster

The poster below is a JPEG file that will print in A4 or A3 size or bigger. (NB: Some commercial printing services do NOT print JPEGs – you may need to check on this.)

“How safe is your cell phone?” Poster

At the link below you can access a poster created by Electrosensitivity UK that asks people “how safe is your cell phone?” This would be a particularly good resource to put up on noticeboards in community centres or church notice boards, medical centres and other healthcare practices etc. with permission.

5G Free New Zealand Facebook Page:

In addition to this website, there is a 5G Free New Zealand Facebook page

NB: If you notice any errors in any of the resources, please email us through the Contact Form and describe the error and we will endeavour to correct it as soon as possible. Thank you.