Website editor’s note: Most of the text for what you will read below has been excerpted from a supplementary submission written in response to the 5G Discussion Document that Radio Spectrum Management of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) recently posted on its website.

The full supplementary submission may be read at this link:

If you would like to read other submissions on the 5G issue they may be accessed via this link:

Reports of a variety of symptoms in people living close to “state of the art” street lights in the UK

There have been several reports about residents’ concerns of health problems including insomnia, nose bleeds and still births following the introduction of what is described as “state of the art” street lights to a British town.

Here is one such report:

From the above report and additional reporting at this link:
the following data is available:

1) The frequency used for the lamp’s transmitters is 868 – 870 MHz

2) According to the Council the lamps transmit only 80 seconds per week

3) The RFR exposure is claimed to be less than 1% of the UK’s allowable exposure limit

With regard to the Council’s claims that the new street lights are not to blame for the residents’ symptoms, similar claims have been made by the electricity industry with respect to the purported safety of wireless so-called “smart” meters.

As the graphic below illustrates, while a reported total transmission time in the region of only seconds per day may sound reassuring to people who are not familiar with the technical capabilities of modern wireless devices, the reality can be quite different.

The source for the graphic is a report by Don Maisch, PHD.

If a smart meter is part of a mesh network even if the total transmission time over 24 hours is in the region of 45 seconds, this can subject people in the vicinity to almost 10,000 pulses of RFR within that period, or one pulse every 8 seconds or so if a meter is performing as an average meter within its mesh network. Exposure will be many times higher if it acts as a local “hub”.

(Smart meters, incidentally have been reported to cause insomnia and nosebleeds.)

If the street lights in Gateshead are part of a mesh network (which seems a reasonable assumption given the frequency used) and they are transmitting for a total of 11 seconds over each 24 hour period they may be emitting pulses of RFR in the microwave range every 30 seconds or so. (I am assuming their emissions profile is constant over a 24 hour period, rather than disproportionately biased toward night time activity.)

Moreover when the 868 MHz band is used as part of a “smart city” transmission band each 868 MHz transmitter within the system has a range of about 300 metres. This means that depending upon how close the street lamps are positioned in relation to each other in the town of Gateshead residents may be exposed to emissions from more than one street lamp’s transmitter.

I have taken the time to look over this story because I believe it provides a warning for New Zealand about the potential effects of intensifying public exposure to non ionising radiation such as would occur if 5G is allowed to be introduced here.

What would be the outcome for residents of an urban area in NZ if 5G transmitters were added to street light poles?

Would those who reported new symptoms following the addition of this new non ionising radiation producing infrastructure to their local environment be treated respectfully and the offending device be voluntarily removed by the company that installed it?

Or would people’s concerns be mocked and dismissed and their forced irradiation continue because our lax standards mean that the emission levels are legal?


Ed note:  NZ’s standards for devices that emit electromagnetic radiation were developed in association with personnel from the telecommunications industry and, as scientist Dr. Mary Redmayne has pointed out are designed to give only very limited health protection – from electric shocks and burns – not to prevent cancer or genetic damage or any other other potential adverse health effect. (See: )


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Website editor’s note:

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