Most New Zealanders think that 5G would be a good thing because it would facilitate faster access to wireless data.

That’s largely because the mainstream media has not reported on health effects of 5G, with a notable exception being an article on NewsHub that formed the basis of the post at this link.

Most MPs probably think that 5G would be a good thing because it would facilitate faster access to wireless data.

They probably have no idea about the hazards that 5G poses to human health or the environment.

An email, letter or visit from you could be their introduction to the threats posed by 5G.

MPs have large workloads: Letter that are brief and polite are more likely to be read and get a positive reception.

You can find contact details for your MP at this link:

Below are some suggested resources you may like to share with your MP:

  • The 5G Space Appeal:  The text of this international appeal summarises many of the major health and environmental risks of 5G and has been signed by tens of thousands of people…You may like to share the link below with your MP and ask him or her whether s/he would like to sign the appeal and ask their colleagues to do likewise.
  • Facts about 5G in New Zealand – the link below provides information about the 5G system that the telecommunications companies want to introduce into NZ. These facts may be of use when writing to your MP or visiting him or her.
  • NZ standards for infrastructure that produces electromagnetic radiation (EMR) – including the types of EMR used in 5G – are NOT designed to protect people from developing cancer (or any other serious illness that has been linked to EMR exposure).  The standards are designed only to protect against thermal injury (burns) and electric shocks.  This link gives more information, including some of the history of how the standard was developed:

UPDATE: If you are on Facebook, please like and follow the new FB page

Website editor’s note:

Thank you for reading this post on, NZ’s 5G information website. If you found it to be interesting, please share it with your friends and family.

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign against 5G in NZ, please email through the Contact Form on this website.

There is a now Resources page on the site where you can download flyers and poster for printing and distribution and also download the new 5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan.

We now also have an Events Page in which events relating to 5G will be listed as information comes to hand.

If you would like to stay up to date with information on what is happening in NZ in relation to smart technology, 5G and wireless and health issues, please sign yourself up to the free email list at,nz 

This will mean that you receive occasional newsletters from Stop Smart Meters NZ which include information on these topics.