Just a note to let you know that the first batch of Boycott 5G bumper stickers have been printed and are now ready!

They are going to be sold via the 5G Free NZ FB page so if you are on Facebook and you do not already follow this page, please follow it so that when the relevant post comes up, you will get an alert.


Affordable, large, high quality stickers

The stickers being sold for what they cost to print (90c each), plus applicable postage in order to keep them affordable.

The stickers are good quality vinyl stickers that are 25 cm long and 10 cm high so they are a good large size. The stickers are not UV coated but they should still last reasonably well outside although they may fade in time if they are exposed to bright sunshine.

How to order your Boycott 5G bumper stickers

To place your order, you may choose one of the options below:

Option 1:

Please go to https://www.facebook.com/5GFreeNewZealand/ and send a FB message saying “I would like to buy boycott 5G bumper stickers” and include the quantity of stickers that you would like to purchase and your name and address. You will then will receive a reply from the volunteer who is taking orders and posting out the stickers advising you of the cost of your stickers plus postage as well as payment instructions. (Stickers will be sent via standard post.)

Option 2:

If you are NOT on Facebook, please send an email message via this link https://5g.org.nz/contact/ with the subject line “I would like to buy boycott 5G bumper stickers” and include your name, your address, your phone number and the number of stickers that you would like to buy. Your email will then be forwarded to the volunteer who is packing up and posting the stickers who will be in touch with you to let you know how to pay for your stickers.

How to boycott 5G

Do you want to boycott 5G but need information about telecommunications companies that are NOT planning to build 5G networks in NZ? Good news! You can access this information at the following link:

Plus, if you need information about alternative mobile phone service providers you can find that information at this link: https://5g.org.nz/2019/09/09/do-you-need-to-use-a-mobile-phone-but-dont-want-to-pay-money-to-spark-vodafone-or-2degrees/https://5g.org.nz/2019/08/23/boycott-5g/

Website editor’s note:

Thank you for reading this post on www.5G.org.nz, NZ’s 5G information website. If you found it to be interesting, please share it with your friends and family.

If you are on Facebook, please also check out the 5G Free New Zealand FB page at the following link as this is the best way to stay up-to- date with 5G related news: https://www.facebook.com/5GFreeNewZealand/

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign against 5G in NZ, please email through the Contact Form on this website.

There is a now Resources page on the site where you can download flyers and poster for printing and distribution and also download the new5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan.

We now also have an Events Page in which events relating to 5G will be listed as information comes to hand.

If you would like to stay up to date with information on what is happening in NZ in relation to smart technology, 5G and wireless and health issues, please visit www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz  and email through the contact form and ask to be signed up to the free email list.

This will mean that you receive occasional newsletters from Stop Smart Meters NZ which include information on 5G as well as smart meters and related wireless technologies.